Friday, August 20, 2010

Reality or Rhetoric? Part III

I've been thinking a LOT lately about all the buzz surrounding the "Ground Zero Mosque" and it's developers; it's almost a bit depressing, watching our people show the world that we really haven't moved past the bigotry, we've just changed targets. I know, there are some radicals out there who orchestrated terrorist attacks, if someone brings it up one more time I might just be sick. I know, we are fighting a war against the fundamentalist Taliban, I know that there are Muslims out there that commit human rights violations; there are Christians who do bad things too. What it ultimately comes down to, for me, is this: the developers of this community center, not mosque, community center, don't need our approval to build. They don't need our permission, they've used our own system to put themselves in a position to build. We're wasting breath over this, spewing hateful words, accusing peaceful people of harboring terrorists, it's McCarthyism all over, except this time the enemy isn't Communism, it's Islam. When will we accept that we can't change it? When are we going to let go of the anger, or at least learn to show it in a more appropriate, less frenzied manner? When are we going to realize that Islam isn't the enemy, extremists using Islam as propaganda are. Destroy Islam, the radicals will find another way, another form of propaganda. This isn't something that's going to go away, but we can differentiate between radicals and people who are getting a bad name because of them.
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